Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Small Group

Adult Discipleship – The Pilgrim’s Progress – W PM

Next to the Bible, The Pilgrim’s Progress is the greatest Christian classic of all time!  It answers the questions and illustrates the deepest struggles Christians face in their walk with God.  Written from the dark confines of a prison cell, The Pilgrim’s Progress has transformed and comforted millions for the past 350 years.  C. S. Lewis called it the…

Adult Discipleship – The Pilgrim’s Progress – Th AM

Next to the Bible, The Pilgrim’s Progress is the greatest Christian classic of all time!  It answers the questions and illustrates the deepest struggles Christians face in their walk with God.  Written from the dark confines of a prison cell, The Pilgrim’s Progress has transformed and comforted millions for the past 350 years.  C. S. Lewis called it the…

Student Small Groups

Students gather in small groups that aim to teach them to read the Bible, build authentic friendships, and challenge them to live out their faith. 

GriefShare Spring 2024

If you have lost a loved one, GriefShare is for you. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grief process alone. We have an open door and we welcome you to participate when you are ready.

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