Essentials Foundations for Lasting Transformation in Ministry
There is synergy between utilizing all of these in ministry. Each of these principles work best when combined with each other.
- Core Foundational Teaching – Biblical Authority and Cultural Relevance – Focus more on Truths of Who God is and how we relate to Him rather than just behavior. 2 Timothy 3:16
- Authentic Gracious Community – Build Sense of Community – People will connect and grow more when they belong somewhere. Are you creating an environment where people want to belong and connect with God and others? 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
- Empowered Living – Every Member Ministry– Holy Spirit and Truth Driven living rather than just behavioral based. Many Christians don’t realize what a Life in Christ can be. They don’t realize that the Holy Spirit is guiding and directing us in all truth. How are we doing in teaching our people to live empowered? Galatians 5:16-18
- Focus on Serving and Others First Mentality – Every Member Ministry Nothing like experience God’s work in your life than when you serve others. Life is Ministry. Philippians 2:3
- Elements of Spiritual Growth – What elements are moving people toward in their spiritual growth?
Each of these elements are designed to move people to applying God’s truth in their lives. The delivery method needs to be a focus on application of God’s truth rather than just the knowledge of God’s Truth. However, we must have a relationship with Christ and want to see God grow us. If we just go through the motions and do these things they will be good, but we don’t fix ourselves. God does the transforming. Are you desiring for God to transform your life?
5 Foundational Catalysts of Discipleship
- Large Group Gatherings – Exposure to God’s Truth – (It is us bringing us together for celebration, growth, instruction, equipping.)
- Small Group Gatherings – Interact with Others and God’s Truth
- Serving – Applying God’s truth in a practical and loving way with others first mentality
- Relationships – Build Mentoring & Redemptive Relationships with God’s Truth
- Personal Individual Exposure to God’s Word – Understand and integrate God’s Truth in every area your life
- Emphasis on Grace. – Authentic Gracious Community We have God’s Law to show us our need for God. We have God’s Grace to strengthen our relationships. We are more concerned with where you are going than where you have been. Ephesians 2:5-8
- Grow Leadership – Leadership Development Clear path to understanding Leadership in ministry. Grace Centered Leadership rather than ministry task based leadership. 1 Timothy 4:12
- Build Redemptive Relationships Are you equipping people to influence others around them to know and grow in Christ? Are we teaching our students to build lasting, strong relationships based in truth? James 5:16, 19-20
- Cultivate an Authentic Biblical Worship atmosphere Worship is more than songs we sing. We want our worship atmosphere to be a celebration of the work God has done in us through singing, prayer, reading scripture and sharing stories of His work. It is the expression of God’s truth interacting in our lives. John 4:23-24 – Corporate & Personal Worship
- Cultivate an Authentic Worship Lifestyle We are responsible to cultivate a lifestyle of worship that is authentic & Biblical; that is in Spirit & Truth (John 4.23-24 and Romans 12.1-2) Are you cultivating a lifestyle that reflects Spirit & Truth and is a living sacrifice.