All parents love their children and want health and happiness for them. Christian parents want more: we want our children to come to know, love, and follow Christ. We know that we cannot accomplish this on our own, and so we consciously invite God into our child-raising process. God loves to give us wisdom and grace in parenting. Sometimes he does this directly, other times He Acts through the local body of believers.
A Child & Family Dedication Ceremony is an opportunity for parents to vow their intention to raise their children according to biblical wisdom (1 Samuel 1:26-28), and for the assembled Body of Christ to promise to partner with parents in this adventure. Baby or child dedication is not the same thing as infant baptism. Learn more about baptism. At a child and family dedication, parents and their children are invited up on the stage during a Sunday morning service, introduced, and then parents and congregation are led in their vows of commitment. Parents are encouraged to invite their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to join them at church for this important event.