Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

LaTisha Hunt

Where were you born:
Apex, NC
Where did you go to college:
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke with Bachelor of Science  degree in Business Management with a Minor in Marketing 
I met my husband Kelvin Hunt in college and we have 3 energetic kids Madilyn (8) Jayla (6) and Jacob (6).
Favorite type of music:
I enjoy listening to Christian music .
Favorite place to vacation:
My favorite place to vacation is any where in the Caribbean or the NC Mountains.
Favorite local restaurant:
My favorite restaurant is Mason Jar Tavern in Holly Springs.
Favorite movie:
The Notebook
Favorite book:
The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurste

Favorite hobby/pastime:
Reading, playing tennis and spending time with my family.


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