Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Services & Activities Changes, information, updates

Back to our normal schedule after the February 19 & 20 Winter storm.

Communicating changes:

Sunday Services 

All other TCC activities

We follow the Wake County Public Schools decision.  Any exceptions will be communicated to you from the Ministry Team Leader. For example, if Wake County Schools cancel classes and activities on a Wednesday but the weather clears up during the day so that safety is not a question for Adult Discipleship, Student Ministry or AWANA, the leadership will communicate directly to the participants.

Campus Operations, Office Hours 

Inclement winter weather may limit office hours and building availability. TCC Admin will contact any scheduled facility users.

Determining whether events & services are impacted:

  • Is it safe at TCC? Do we have power?
  • Are the roads safe to travel to TCC?


Please contact George Freebersyser at 919-818-1803. Texting first can help with a quicker response.

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