Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Facilities & LANDSCAPING Service Page

Our Facilities & Landscaping Team works hard to provide (1) our guests with a great first impression and (2) our TCC Family and guests with a safe and welcoming environment to connect, worship, grow, and serve.

Your skills and sweat combine for good stewardship of what God has given you:

  • Facilities & Landscaping Team – Help keep TCC’s facilities welcoming, safe and sound (painting, plumbing, cleaning, construction, etc) and help keep TCC’s grounds beautiful (planting, weeding, mulching, pruning, clearing brush, etc.)
    • Time Commitment: Flexible
    • Rotation: Jump in when you have the time, interest, and skill.
  • TCCWorks DaysAll TCCers are invited to help make our facilities and landscaping better! Learn more & sign up for our September 21st edition.
    • Time Commitment: Typically 4th Saturdays, 9 am – 12 pm
    • Rotation: Jump in when you have the time, interest, and skill.
  • SWAT Team – Bringing Jesus’ love, in practical ways, to the TCC Family, the community, and the world through disaster relief and short-term projects. Learn more here and sign up.
    • Time Commitment: Flexible
    • Rotation: Jump in when you have the time, interest, and skill.

Click HERE  and check “FACILITIES & LANdSCAPING” to serve.

Contact Murl Wallace for additional information on our Facility & Landscaping or Mike Craig for additional information on our SWAT Teams.

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