Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Small Group

Student Small Groups

Students gather in small groups that aim to teach them to read the Bible, build authentic friendships, and challenge them to live out their faith. 

TCCWomen: Moms of Preschoolers – Wednesday AM

Genesis is the book of beginnings–the beginning of our universe, of human suffering, of diverse languages, and of God’s people. Experience the joy of seeing how this unfolding storyline pointed ahead toward our Savior! Come enjoy time with the other young moms, a hearty breakfast, and free childcare!

GriefShare Spring 2025

If you have lost a loved one, GriefShare is for you. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grief process alone. We have an open door and we welcome you to participate when you are ready.

The Art and Skill of Redemptive Relationships – Spring 2025 – Wednesdays

We all  make small talk — but think about that one friend who listens especially well, asks good questions, and is able to connect the riches of Scripture to what’s on your mind. That’s a redemptive relationship. You can learn the art and skill of spiritual friendship. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

The Art and Skill of Redemptive Relationships – Spring 2025 – Thursdays

We all  make small talk — but think about that one friend who listens especially well, asks good questions, and is able to connect the riches of Scripture to what’s on your mind. That’s a redemptive relationship. You can learn the art and skill of spiritual friendship. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

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