Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Church Events (Page 3)

Find out what is happening at TCC! Get event details and registration links.  Use the search bar in the upper right corner if you know an event name but are having trouble finding it. Looking forward to you connecting with us at TCC.


Baptism is an outward expression of a person’s individual trust in Christ. We believe that the New Testament teaches that individuals are to be baptized after they place their personal faith in Jesus as their sin-bearer. If you have believed in Christ but have not subsequently been baptized—or, were baptized prior to placing your own faith…

Child & Family Dedication

All parents love their children and want health and happiness for them. Christian parents want more: we want our children to come to know, love, and follow Christ. We know that we cannot accomplish this on our own, and so we consciously invite God into our child-raising process. God loves to give us wisdom and grace in…

TCCWorks! Day

Grab your work gear, friends and family and help keep TCC working well, safe, & beautiful – inside and out!! Many hands make light work!

Student Summer Camp 2025

All rising 7th graders through current high school seniors are invited to summer camp at Look Up Lodge! From June 29 – July 3, grow closer to each other and closer to God, all while having a blast! We have openings for 26 students and 4 parent chaperones so sign up soon! *Your spots will be reserved…

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