Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

John & Iris Sacson – Bible Translation in Nigeria with Wycliffe

Partnering in Bible translation through language survey in Nigeria.

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Did you know that in the world today, there are almost 7,000 living languages? Close to 2,000 of those languages lack even one verse of God’s Word. Can you imagine having to learn another language in order to read the Bible?

Thanks to the work of John Wycliffe in the 1300s (and countless people since then), we can read and understand the Bible in English. Motivated by the belief that each and every people group should have access to the Bible in their heart language, Wycliffe Bible Translators was founded in 1942 and has been on the front lines of Bible translation ever since. Believing in the transformative power of Scripture, we work to see that God’s word is accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their hearts.


John and Iris met while studying at the Canada Institute of Linguistics to become language surveyors. As they got to know each other, they recognized their shared passion for God’s Word, a desire to work in Bible translation wherever the need is greatest, and the way their strengths complement each other’s. They enjoy working together in their assignment as language surveyors in Nigeria.

With over 500 languages, Nigeria is home to millions of people who go without the Scriptures on a daily basis. The very first step of Bible translation is language survey, which involves sociolinguistic research to gather information about people groups and the languages they speak. Surveyors provide vital information for translation, literacy, and language development programs.

John and Iris have conducted several language community surveys, with more on the horizon. They plan to serve in additional capacities as they return to Nigeria this year, including assisting with recruitment and spiritual development of fellow staff.

Elisabeth joined the family in January 2018, and Stephen was born in April 2020.


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