Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Taste and See – July 30, 2017


I. Introduction

II. This psalm is about David: Rejoice with David in God’s deliverance. v. 1-10

A. David calls us to worship: “Come magnify the Lord with me.” v. 1-3

B. David invites us to hear his testimony of God’s deliverance. v. 4-7

  1. David was (yet again) in a fearful (terrifying) situation. v. 4b,6
  2. He sought the LORD. v. 4,6
  3. The LORD answered him with deliverance. v. 4, 6
  4. All those who looked to the Lord are blessed – radiant. v. 5
  5. In what sense does the angel of the LORD encamp around those who fear him? v. 7
  6. How has God delivered you? Praise him. Tell others.

III. This psalm is about us: Turn to the Lord when you are in trouble. v. 8-19

A. Taste and see that the LORD is good. v. 8-10

  1. What does it mean to taste of the LORD’s goodness? v. 8
  2. How in practical terms can you taste of the LORD’s goodness/kindness.
  3. Those (saints) who fear the LORD lack nothing. v. 9-10
  4. How could the promise that the saints will lack nothing be misunderstood? v. 19
  5. Follow David’s example by crying out to God for deliverance from your troubles.

B. I will teach you the fear of the Lord. v. 11-14

  1. What is “the fear of the LORD”? v. 11
  2. The fear of the Lord is expressed through godly words and works. v. 13-14
  3. Those who fear the LORD enjoy the best life both now and later. v. 12
  4. How do we reconcile “God delivers the righteous” and “justification by faith”?
  5. In what sense does God promise long life to the righteous?

C. The LORD is attentive to the cries of His people. v. 15-18

  1. The righteous are delivered. v. 15,17-18
  2. Connection between the righteous and the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit: v. 17-18
  3. The LORD is opposed to those who do evil. v. 16

D. Summary: The Lord delivers His people through all their troubles. v. 19-22

  1. The Psalmists realism is striking – “Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” v. 19a
  2. The LORD delivers us from every single one of our trials. v. 19b
  3. How is the promise that our bones will not be broken fulfilled? v. 20
  4. Part of the deliverance of the righteous will be the punishment of the wicked. v. 21
  5. We walk by faith, not sight.

IV. This psalm is about Jesus: David is a “type” of Christ (see the whole psalm Christologically)

A. Jesus is the perfectly righteous One who trusts and fears God. v. 13-15

B. He suffered at the hands of his enemies. v. 1-6

C. He cried out to God.

D. God delivered him. v. 19-22

  1. Not a bone was broken. v. 29
  2. He has been raised from the dead.

E. He is the Bread of Life of Whom we taste and eat.

V. Conclusion


  • Psalm 34 is about Christ, about David…and about us! Follow David’s example by crying out to God for deliverance from your troubles.


Each week, identify and write down one, concrete step of obedience, small or large but doable, that you will put into practice this week. (James 1:22: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”)

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