Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Family Friendly

Midweek Meal

One of the greatest ways to connect with others is to gather around the dinner table and we want to invite you to ours! Your family is invited to…

AWANA 2024-25

Awana is all about fun with a purpose — for kids to know Jesus, grow in their knowledge of Jesus, and to show Jesus to others!

Love Life Prayer Walk

Advocate for the unborn! Join Love Life and believers from across the Triangle for a celebratory, peaceful time of worship and prayer.

Membership Class

Have you been visiting for a while now, grown through the worship and teaching, and thought about making Triangle Community Church your church home? Or have you been involved in TCC for quite a while and want a deeper understanding of what it means to be a member, including our expectations of members and your…


Baptism is an outward expression of a person’s individual trust in Christ. We believe that the New Testament teaches that individuals are to be baptized after they place their personal faith in Jesus as their sin-bearer. If you have believed in Christ but have not subsequently been baptized—or, were baptized prior to placing your own faith…

TCCWorks! Day

Grab your work gear, friends and family and help keep TCC working well, safe, & beautiful – inside and out!! Many hands make light work!

Connect2TCC / Online Community