Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Virgin Birth" Tagged Sermons

Mary, A Model of Motherhood – May 14, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY This Mother’s Day we look at several characteristics of a woman God chose to raise his only Son (Luke 1:26-38). Twice in our text, the angel Gabriel told Mary that she was highly favored by God. What was it about Mary that caught God’s attention? Scripture doesn’t give us the answer directly, but…

Book of James – A Prologue: My Big Brother

Sermon Summary Last Sunday we completed a 13-part series on the New Testament book written by and bearing the name of Jesus’ little brother, James. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”, but James thoroughly disproves it. James spent more than 30 years seeing perfection—watching Jesus “up close and personal”—and yet he was a…

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