Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ


Hands clasped in prayer

Prayer Hour with PointMan

Come pray with us! Every Tuesday at 12 pm we read through the Psalms and use them to spark our own prayers for our families, church and the world. No need to sign up or commit; just come whenever your schedule allows. We meet in-person and online. Sign up to receive our online meeting info.…

Christmas Eve 2024

Join your church family for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service on December 24 at 5 pm. Invite your friends and neighbors. Pastor Doug will help us discover “The Wonder of Christmas”!

PointMan Bible Study – Daniel

This biweekly study will look at one of the most uncompromising men in scripture. We’ll find principles for Godly living as well as fascinating insights into God’s sovereign plan to restore all things to the way they were created to be.

Winter Mini – January 2025 – Wednesdays

Join us for a month-long introduction to Christian Apologetics where we’ll learn to defend our belief in God’s existence, powerful evidence for the resurrection of Christ, and how to answer many other objections to faith. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

Winter Mini – January 2025 – Thursdays

Join us for a month-long introduction to Christian Apologetics where we’ll learn to defend our belief in God’s existence, powerful evidence for the resurrection of Christ, and how to answer many other objections to faith. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

PointMan Lunch and Games – 1/18/25

Men…Connect with other guys, Christ & TCC at our PointMan Breakfast. Enjoy a great lunch of soup and sandwiches, excellent fellowship, a great speaker and games! QUESTIONS? E-mail Larry O’Neal.

The Art and Skill of Redemptive Relationships – Spring 2025 – Wednesdays

We all  make small talk — but think about that one friend who listens especially well, asks good questions, and is able to connect the riches of Scripture to what’s on your mind. That’s a redemptive relationship. You can learn the art and skill of spiritual friendship. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

The Art and Skill of Redemptive Relationships – Spring 2025 – Thursdays

We all  make small talk — but think about that one friend who listens especially well, asks good questions, and is able to connect the riches of Scripture to what’s on your mind. That’s a redemptive relationship. You can learn the art and skill of spiritual friendship. Questions: Contact Dan Clement.

Membership Class

Have you been visiting for a while now, grown through the worship and teaching, and thought about making Triangle Community Church your church home? Or have you been involved in TCC for quite a while and want a deeper understanding of what it means to be a member, including our expectations of members and your…

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