Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Loving" Tagged Sermons

Spiritual Checkup – 2.2.25

TaLKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. Application / Challenge In order to grow in 2025, make sure you’re cultivating the following spiritual disciplines: TAKE ONE STEP Each week,…

It’s TIme for Your Spiritual Checkup – 12.31.23

TALKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. APPLICATION / CHALLENGE TAKE ONE STEP Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large, that you will…

Church Defined – A Portrait of a Healthy Church – 8.29.21

TALKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. APPLICATION / CHALLENGE Determine to take responsibility for your own spiritual growth. Ask God to open your eyes to the needs of…

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