GroupLink is a strategy designed to help you connect with others to form a new small group. In less than two short hours you will have met ten to twelve new friends. Because it’s friendships that help people stick in a small group, that’s what TCC’s small groups focus on. We encourage new groups to take eight to ten weeks to “try before you buy”, to “date before you say ‘I do’”! During the first eight meetings these new groups are called “Starter Groups” and they use a curriculum that “fast tracks” friendships. After eight to ten weeks of meeting on a weekly basis, everyone is given total freedom to continue with this group or to try another group, guilt-free. (Most everyone says, “Hello! I love my group!”) At that point, the Starter Group morphs into a “Community Group” and those who wish to continue commit themselves to each others for twelve to twenty-four months. Community Groups typically choose to meet every two weeks (although some continue meeting weekly, or three on, one off). All Community Groups discuss and apply the Sunday sermon using Talking Points, Walking Points.