Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ
Sermon Series: Radical Faith

Radical Faith: Part 4 of 7 – Radical Loyalty – February 4, 2018


In Luke chapter 14:25, we read that large crowds were following Jesus. Now you might think that was a good thing, but Jesus wasn’t very impressed. He knew that at best, their motives were mixed. Because Jesus was interested in quality, not quantity, he really wanted to thin out the crowds. In Luke 14:26, Jesus declares, “If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. So, the question is this: Does following Jesus mean that I must hate my parents, my brother, my sister, my wife, my husband? It’s not that simple. Here, Jesus is using a figure of speech called “hyperbole” to make a point. However, the point he is making is no less radical. What he is really saying is: “Are you willing to follow me, no matter what the cost?”

In Jesus’ day, to follow him would mean for many that they would be cast out of their family. That is a reality for a lot of people, and that’s why Jesus spoke very plainly and honestly. Jesus knew that relationships are more important than anything else. Jesus wanted to say, “If you decide to follow me, it may cost you some of your relationships. Are you sure that you are willing to pay that price? Is there anyone or anything that you love more than me? If so, then you shouldn’t start down this path, because you are not going to be able to complete the journey. I demand your undivided allegiance. So, before you begin, count the cost.” What about you? Is there anything that stands in the way of your following Christ wholeheartedly? Because it’s about Lordship. Who is going to be Lord of your life?

There is a reason the Bible uses the analogy of marriage to describe our relationship with Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus is portrayed as the bridegroom and the church is the bride. Marriage is a great picture of what it means to be in relationship with Jesus. When you get married, out of all the people in the world, you devote yourself wholeheartedly to one person: You are devoted to that person; you love that person; you serve that person. Jesus wants to have that place in your life, even above your husband or wife, if you are married. He wants you to look to him for salvation. He wants you to look to him for provision. He wants you to look to him for your hopes and dreams. He doesn’t just want to be your Savior, he wants to be your Lord! He wants you to honor, serve and obey Him, because he is worthy of your allegiance. Jesus knew that our families will flourish when we give him first place in our lives. Because when we do, we will do a better job of loving our family, leading our family, and caring for our family than those who put their family above God. God loves you too much to allow your family to come before him. Jesus is Lord. If you will let God be God, your family will benefit from that decision.

The very things that keep people from coming to faith in Christ are the very things that cause them to drift away from God. And we need to hear that message repeatedly.

  • Who is in first place in your life?
  • Who is in that place that no one else should reside, other than God?
  • What thing, what person, what pursuit has become more important to us than obedience God?

That is a hard saying we need to hear today, and it’s a question that we need to answer.


  • Who is in first place in your life?
  • Who is in that place that no one else should reside, other than God?
  • What thing, what person, what pursuit has become more important to us than obedience God?


Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large  that you will put into practice this week. (James 1:22: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”)

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