Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Messiah in the Passover

The Messiah in the Passover presentation is a powerful visual message not only of Israel’s freedom from slavery in Egypt, but of the redemption of individuals from the bondage of sin through the atoning work of Jesus. The program is designed to give participants a deeper understanding both of Passover and of the Communion table.

Messiah in the Passover is a vivid and exciting demonstration showing how Jesus fulfilled the ancient feast of Passover. This visual presentation will be conducted by TCC’s supported missionary from Chosen People Ministries

The service begins with the traditional Passover Seder table – complete with all the articles of this important Jewish celebration. The speaker will explain the symbolic meanings of the various items of the Passover feast and highlight their relationship to the Last Supper that Messiah celebrated with the disciples, giving special emphasis on the redemptive significance of the crucifixion. 

Messiah in the Passover gives the Christian community insight into Jewish traditions so that we can better understand the Jewish roots of Christianity. It also helps the Jewish and Christian communities understand their common heritage. 

This meeting is open to the public. Both the Christian as well as the Jewish community are invited to attend.

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