Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 33)

The Day the Student Stumped the Prof

See the “Save PDF” button above to download the devotional: The Day the Student Stumped the Prof. In the devotional, Pastor Doug recommends an annual ‘spiritual checkup’. Linked here is the 2018 version of Pastor Doug’s manuscript of the sermon: “It’s Time for Your Spiritual Checkup“. The 2017 audio version is available here.

The Peace & Wonder of Christmas – We Worship the Prince of Peace

The Peace & Wonder of Christmas – We Worship the Prince of Peace – 2 of 3 SERMON SUMMARY The Christmas season is supposed to be a time of peace and good will toward mankind. But too often that is anything but the case. How many of you can honestly say that your primary emotion…

Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – Work: A Rich Mission Field

Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – Work: A Rich Mission Field –  8 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY One of the most fruitful mission fields is the workplace. We spend a lot of time there; we have friends there, many of whom are not Christians. Think about it…we get paid to spend time alongside men…

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