Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 55)

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 6 of 7: Preacher for Hire

Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug spoke about the markers of a deteriorating society, comparing the state of current American society with that of Israel in the book of Judges. The similarities are unmistakable, and God’s truth for the ancient Israelites is the same for us today in modern-day America. Pastor Doug outlined three indicators that…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 5 of 7: The Samson Sin-drome

Sermon Summary Four weeks ago Pastor Doug began a series on the Book of Judges. The period called “the time of the Judges” lasted about 350 years, and it was the darkest period in Israel’s history. It was a time of incredible religious and moral decay. The Jews claimed to love God, but they didn’t…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 4 of 7: Gideon: An Unlikely Hero

Sermon Summary What kind of a person does God use to accomplish his eternal purposes in this world? Jacob, the father of the Israelite nation, was a liar. Joseph, who saved Israel from starvation, was a slave. Moses, who led Israel out of slavery, was a fugitive, a shepherd, and a murderer. God uses ordinary…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 3 of 7: Life In God’s Classroom

Sermon Summary God has always tested the faith and commitment of his people. For example, he tested Adam and Eve’s obedience to his one command. As you know, they failed miserably (Genesis 3:6). God tested Abraham when he asked him to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham passed his test (Genesis 22:12).…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – How to Impact Your Culture – Part 2 of 7

Sermon Summary There are churches on every corner—why are we having so little impact in our culture? Over the past fifty years America has experienced a rapid, moral and spiritual decline. It has affected all of us. Consider the Clinton-Lewinski fiasco. The number of Americans who thought adultery was no big deal, as long as…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 1 of 7 – Godliness to Godlessness in One Generation

Sermon Summary It has long been noted that no country in the west, resembling the United States, is mentioned in end time prophecy. Russia, China, Iran and some ten European nations are there, but not us. How can that be? Perhaps it is because as history reaches its God-appointed conclusion, the U.S. will either have…

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