Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Genesis (Page 3)

The Night They Arrested God

SERMON SUMMARY Luke 22:31-53 Jesus’ “passion” (ie, his “suffering”—beginning in the garden of Gethsemane and concluding with his crucifixion) was a time of great temptation, both for Jesus and for his disciples. Jesus passed his test with flying colors; his disciples—not so much. Truth is all Christ’s followers fail—and that’s why the cross is necessary. …

Growing God’s Way – Let’s Keep it Going

SERMON SUMMARY Today’s message marks the end of a seven part series that we have entitled, “Growing God’s Way.” The question we have tried to answer in this series is this: How do we become more like Christ? First, Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Salvation sets the needed spiritual foundation. To grow in…

Oikonomics – Part 4: To Tithe or Not to Tithe

4 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY What is God’s plan for supporting the local church? Is tithing the God ordained method of funding the ministry of the local church, or is there another standard we are to use? A “tithe” simply means ten percent. Those who endorse tithing teach that we are to give ten percent…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 2 of 2

2 of 2 SERMON SUMMARY Last week Pastor Doug began a two-part series called “Kingdoms in Conflict”. Ever since sin entered the world, Satan has been the ruler of the cosmos. There are only two kingdoms, with vastly different values and agendas—and there’s no neutrality. Every person on earth has allegiance to one kingdom or…

1 Peter – 1 Peter 3:18-22 – Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits in Prison: Who, What, When?

1 Peter – 1 Peter 3:18-22 – 10 of 18 SERMON SUMMARY This is one of the most difficult passages in all of Scripture. Various commentaries present differing views on what they think Peter is trying to say. Today I want to share what I think Peter is saying and why.  Any time you are…

3 Days: Living in the Shadow of the Resurrection – He is Risen!

Living in the Shadow of the Resurrection – He is Risen! – 3 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY The Christian faith is rooted in the facts of history, and Luke, the gospel-writer, is widely considered to be a master historian. He was determined to set forth an accurate account of Jesus’ life and ministry (Luke 1:1-4). Of the…

Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of Life SERMON SUMMARY Abortion is a controversial topic, a painful topic. In our society it is inevitable that some will be offended. I know that, and that is surely not my desire. The alternative is not to bring it up—yet it’s too important to ignore. My prayer is that out of any hurt…

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