Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons by Doug Humphrey (Senior Pastor) (Page 21)

Senior Pastor

Growing God’s Way – Let’s Keep it Going

SERMON SUMMARY Today’s message marks the end of a seven part series that we have entitled, “Growing God’s Way.” The question we have tried to answer in this series is this: How do we become more like Christ? First, Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Salvation sets the needed spiritual foundation. To grow in…

Growing God’s Way – Through Prayer

SERMON SUMMARY Matthew 6:5-13 Real life-change is found in practicing the spiritual disciplines that Jesus himself practiced and taught his disciples. Prayer is one of those critical spiritual disciplines. Prayer is vital to spiritual health and offers many spiritual benefits. Luke 5 tells us that “Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and…

Growing God’s Way – An Introduction

SERMON SUMMARY 1 Timothy 4:7-10 As a pastor, I have conversations with lots of people. One thing I’ve learned it that most of use are disappointed with how things have turned out in life. We’re disappointed that we haven’t done a better job preparing for retirement, that we haven’t been a better husband or wife,…

Spiritual Checkup

SERMON SUMMARY The Christian life is meant to be one of progress and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 says: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How can we know if we are making real spiritual progress, and not merely deceiving ourselves with spiritual activity? You are growing as a…

The Christmas Child: Who is He?

Colossians 1:15-20 SERMON SUMMARY During the Christmas season, it used to be common to find nativity manger scenes on public property. But that has become quite controversial today, sometimes bringing lawsuits. To be honest there has always been controversy surrounding this baby. Who was that baby in the manger? Some would say he is a…

The Christmas Child: Why Did He Come?

Colossians 1:1-14 SERMON SUMMARY Christmas is about the baby that changed the world. His story could be viewed through Mary’s eyes, through Joseph’s eyes, through the wise men’s or the shepherds’ eyes. Because you all know the basic story, instead, throughout December we will look at heaven’s perspective on Christmas. The New Testament book of…

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