Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons by Doug Humphrey (Senior Pastor) (Page 41)

Senior Pastor

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 4 of 8: Man of Faith and Integrity

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 3 of 8: From the Prison to the Palace

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 2 of 8: Steadfast When Tempted

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 1 of 8: Favored Son, Hated Brother

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…


Sermon Summary As we prepare ourselves today to present our pledges toward our Extraordinary Challenge I am reminded of a similar challenge King David of Israel faced in his day. It occurred to David that while he was living in a luxurious palace, God’s people were still worshiping in what was essentially a big tent. So…

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