Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Disciple" Tagged Sermons

Growing God’s Way – An Introduction

SERMON SUMMARY 1 Timothy 4:7-10 As a pastor, I have conversations with lots of people. One thing I’ve learned it that most of use are disappointed with how things have turned out in life. We’re disappointed that we haven’t done a better job preparing for retirement, that we haven’t been a better husband or wife,…

The Church Has Left the Building – Part 1 of 6 – TCC’s Two Great Commitments

SERMON SUMMARY As Triangle Community Church prepares to begin our 25th year of ministry, let’s reflect on our purpose: to transform ordinary people into extraordinary followers of Christ. This purpose is strengthened and directed by two great Biblical commitments: the Great Commandment and to the Great Commission. The Great Commandment Each of us needs to…

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