Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Redemptive Relationships" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

The Reason for Hope – Part 3 of 4 – Christmas: A Time for Salvation

SERMON SUMMARY Not only is Christmas a time for celebration and for reconciliation, it is also a time for salvation. When we talk about salvation, we are generally referring to God’s deliverance FROM sin, ourselves, and hell. God offers salvation as a free gift to those who accept Christ (Ephesians 2:8). Our salvation is not…

The Church Has Left the Building – Part 1 of 6 – TCC’s Two Great Commitments

SERMON SUMMARY As Triangle Community Church prepares to begin our 25th year of ministry, let’s reflect on our purpose: to transform ordinary people into extraordinary followers of Christ. This purpose is strengthened and directed by two great Biblical commitments: the Great Commandment and to the Great Commission. The Great Commandment Each of us needs to…

Danger: Life Ahead. Navigate Wisely – The Importance of the Company You Keep (Proverbs Series)

Sermon Summary Character: we know it is important; we recognize it when we see it in others…but sometimes we are at a loss as to how to cultivate it in our own lives. There are two tests of character: (1) Your character is revealed by what you choose to think about when your mind is…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 7 of 7: Hitting Rock Bottom!

Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug concluded our study of the Old Testament book of Judges. He reminded us that this is not an inspirational book, but rather a very instructive book, as it records one of the darkest periods in Israel’s history. As we discussed last week, during the period of the judges, “there was…

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