Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on God's Will

Messy Life: The Story of Jacob: Deception, Defense and Despair – 3.23.25

TaLKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. Application / Challenge TAKE ONE STEP Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large, that you will…

The Gospel of Mark: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry – 9.15.24

What began with a joyful procession into Jerusalem became a dark day for Israel. Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leaders. His visit to the temple was the last straw—what should have been a place of prayer had become a place of extortion. Jesus visually declared his judgment on the nation by cursing a fig tree, that, like Israel, should have been fruitful, but remained fruitless and barren.

Book of James: Playing God – Part 11 of 13

Sermon Summary In James 4:1-12, Jesus’ half-brother describes what happens when we adopt the world’s value system: we make enemies on two fronts. We quarrel with each other, and we quarrel with God. In James 4:13-17, James expands the implications of adopting the world’s value system, which is flawed primarily because it leaves God out…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 2 of 2: The Means God Uses

Sermon Summary Modus operandi is Latin for “method of operation”. God’s M.O. is to use “means” to accomplish his will. A “means” is an instrument or a method used to accomplish something. God uses means to bring people into his family, and then he uses means to help us become fully-devoted followers. There is a…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 1 of 2: God Uses “Means”

Sermon Summary Each week on the hit TV show NCIS a mystery is solved by figuring out the criminal’s modus operandi, Latin for “method of operation”. God also has an M.O.—a way he typically operates. How does God work in his world? Answering that question will help us pull together what we’ve been learning over…

Because of the Cross – Part 1 of 2: Our Common Confession

Sermon Summary First Timothy 3:15-16 introduces a hymn which is older than the New Testament! Believers began singing shortly after Jesus rose from the dead and it quickly spread throughout the churches as a declaration of their faith in the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. But before Paul quoted the lyrics, he tells us what…

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