The most commonly asked question in December is “What do you want for Christmas?” Have you ever wondered what Jesus wants for Christmas? The series we are exploring raises four questions, and in previous weeks we have talked about why Jesus came and who he is. Today I want to begin answering the question, “What does Jesus want?” I think he would answer that question in two parts—first, he would tell us what he wants for us, and then he would tell us what he wants from us. Today, we are going to answer the first question and next week we will answer the second question.
So, what does Jesus want for you? We find our answer in Colossians 1:21-28, our text for today’s message. This is not the traditional Christmas story that is found in the gospels. It is a different angle on the Christmas story, told from heaven’s perspective, and I think the book of Colossians gives us that insight. This letter was written to a brand new church of which Paul had heard reports but had never visited. He wrote this letter to correct their erroneous teaching. In his response, Paul identifies four things that Jesus wants for you:
[1] Jesus wants you to receive his pardon. (Colossians 1:21-22a) We were alienated from God and failed to love the way He requires, but we were reconciled to God through Jesus who took our sins upon himself. We must receive God’s pardon by putting our trust in Jesus as Savior.
[2] Jesus wants to make you holy and whole. (Colossians 1:22b-23) God wants to progressively form Christlike character in you through a three-pronged process of justification, sanctification, and glorification.

[3] Jesus wants you to be 100% certain that heaven is your future home. (Colossians 1:25-27) Paul preached the fullness of God’s word, which declares that the experience of Christ dwelling in you is the guarantee that God will complete your salvation and you will live with Him in glory.
[4] Jesus wants you to be spiritually mature. (Colossians 1:28) Jesus came to transform you into his image and wants your character and choices to mirror his. He wants you to love the way he loves, and he came to live within you to make that possible. A salvation that forgives but doesn’t transform is an incomplete salvation. I would argue that the world needs transformed people more than it needs forgiven people— transformed people who will act as transformational agents in society. God has designed us so that we are most fulfilled and joyful when our lives are a blessing to others, which is what God wants for you this Christmas.
- Receive God’s pardon by trusting Christ to forgive your sins. If you would like to know God personally, contact us here ( Scroll down to the Ministry Information Request section and mark the first or second checkbox. We look forward to helping!
- Actively pursue Christlikeness in this life. Do you need help in an area of life? For free hope and help, write to: contact us here. Learn more about TCC Counseling here.
- “Make room” in your life for Christ” through submission and worship.
- Listen, learn and apply God’s Word in the context of church community. Learn more about community and Community Groups at TCC, including how to find your group here.
Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large, that you will put into practice this week. (James 1:22: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”)