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SERMON SUMMARY Luke 22:31-53 Jesus’ “passion” (ie, his “suffering”—beginning in the garden of Gethsemane and concluding with his crucifixion) was a time of great temptation, both for Jesus and for his disciples. Jesus passed his test with flying colors; his disciples—not so much. Truth is all Christ’s followers fail—and that’s why the cross is necessary. …
SERMON SUMMARY John 1:19-37 In this series from John’s Gospel called, “Who is this Man Named Jesus?” we’re looking at the words and works of Jesus to determine who he is, and what he wants for and from us. In the first sermon we looked at Jesus as the “Logos”—the Word—of God (John 1:1-14). The…
SERMON SUMMARY John 1:1-14 For the next two months we’re going to look at the words and works of Jesus as presented in the Gospel of John. John 1:1-4 makes a radical claim. In v. 5-11 that claim is rejected, and v. 12-14 answer the objections to that amazing claim. CLAIMS about the “Word of…
SERMON SUMMARY Philippians 4:13 Last week we discussed how our awe of God should be greater than our awe of our past mistakes or our present or future challenges. This week, we will see how Moses lived the rest of his life according to a New Testament principle that we briefly touched on last week.…
SERMON SUMMARY Exodus 3 Last week we began a brand new series about the life of Moses. We covered the story of Moses’ birth and how, through God’s provision, he became a part of Pharaoh’s family, inadvertently rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. At some point during his upbringing, he was made aware that he was in…
SERMON SUMMARY Hebrews 11:23–27 APPLICATION / CHALLENGE Today we are beginning a new series on an individual who has impacted all of us—Moses. He hand-delivered the Ten Commandments, wrote the first five books of the Bible, and emancipated the Jewish people from slavery! Despite all that he accomplished, Moses was far from perfect. He had…
SERMON SUMMARY Today’s message marks the end of a seven part series that we have entitled, “Growing God’s Way.” The question we have tried to answer in this series is this: How do we become more like Christ? First, Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Salvation sets the needed spiritual foundation. To grow in…
SERMON SUMMARY Psalm 63 The key to real life change is found in practicing the spiritual disciplines that Jesus practiced Himself, which He taught His disciples. So far we have talked about Bible study, prayer, serving, and fellowship. Today we’ll learn about developing a lifestyle of worship. What is worship? How do we define it;…
SERMON SUMMARY 1 Corinthians 1:9 When many of us think of “fellowship”, we envision what happened in millions of American homes last Sunday—things such as Super Bowl parties. Food, friends, fun. And to be honest, that is a sort of fellowship—a friendly relationship centered around some common interest. But the Bible points to an obstacle…
SERMON SUMMARY John 13:1-17 As Christ-followers, our destination is to become more like Jesus Christ. We really can become more like our savior as we learn to practice the spiritual disciplines or habits that Jesus himself practiced and which he taught to his disciples. One of these spiritual disciplines is the habit of service. When…