Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Hebrews (Page 7)

Hope is Rising – Part 1 of 2: The Day Christ Died

Sermon Summary We refer to the day on which Jesus died as “Good Friday.” But to those who witnessed its events, “Bad Friday” or “Dark Friday” would have seemed much more appropriate. The events that transpired that Friday and the Sunday which followed, however, have turned this world upside down. What man intended for evil,…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 2 of 2: The Means God Uses

Sermon Summary Modus operandi is Latin for “method of operation”. God’s M.O. is to use “means” to accomplish his will. A “means” is an instrument or a method used to accomplish something. God uses means to bring people into his family, and then he uses means to help us become fully-devoted followers. There is a…

Life In God’s Family – Part 1 of 4: Messy & Marvelous

Sermon Summary Over the past five weeks, we have explored biblical parenting in-depth. It is critical that we consciously receive our children as a gift from God. This is the first step in the parenting process. Next, we must raise our children using a strategic parenting plan based upon biblical principles, being more intentional and…

Got Kids? – Part 4 of 6: Understanding Biblical Discipline

Sermon Summary Biblical discipline can be defined as “training that develops self-discipline and godly character” (Hebrews 12:7-11). Discipline is not punishment. The purpose of punishment is to inflict a penalty for an offense; the purpose of discipline is to train for correction and maturity. Punishment focuses on past misdeeds; discipline on future correct deeds. Punishment…

The Purpose & Practice of Prayer – Practice of Prayer

Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug presented his second message in a two-week miniseries on prayer. He challenged us to give prayer a prominent place in our lives. Although many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life, it should be as natural to us as breathing. From Scripture, we can glean…

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