Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 21)

Your Work Matters to God – May 16, 2021

If we are to flourish in God’s Kingdom, there are three areas that we need to focus our attention as Christ’s followers: (1) our work, (2) our priorities, and (3) our service. In this three-week series, we’ll give attention to these areas using God’s Word as our guide.

The Power of Promise: Purity – May 2, 2021

This week, we conclude our series examining God’s blueprint for marriage found in Genesis 2:24-25 with the Promise of Purity. Husbands and wives promise each other, “I commit to loving you with the purity of Jesus Christ.” The principle is simple: (1) Wherever sin lives, intimacy dies. (2) Wherever purity lives, intimacy grows! Hear why trust, selflessness, and fidelity are foundational to an intimate, flourishing marriage.

The Power of Promise: Priority

This week we examine God’s blueprint for marriage as outlined in Genesis 2:24-25, where we discover the promise of priority.

In marriage, God sees a couple as one unit. When a couple says, “I do,” God super-glues them together in a lifelong union. So our first promise that we need to reaffirm to our spouse is, “Next to Jesus Christ, you are my top priority.”

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