Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – You Can Make a Difference – 7 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY Work is so hard, and we have to put in so much effort to achieve the most modest of results, because God cursed creation in response to Adam’s sin. Sin introduced an element of futility into the…
Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – If Work is a Gift from God, Why is it so Hard? – 6 of 8
Sanctity of Life SERMON SUMMARY Abortion is a controversial topic, a painful topic. In our society it is inevitable that some will be offended. I know that, and that is surely not my desire. The alternative is not to bring it up—yet it’s too important to ignore. My prayer is that out of any hurt…
Faith & Work – Work: An Uneasy Alliance – It’s All About Your Attitude – 5 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY Let’s talk about some critical perspectives from the Book of Colossians which apply to our work life. You may be a stay at home mom or dad, a student, or the president of a company.…
Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – A Forum for Spiritual Formation – 4 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY Many Christians have created a dichotomy between the sacred and the secular, between their private “faith life” and their public “work life.” “Sacred” (Spiritual Life) v “Secular” (Work Life) But that is not God’s intention. There is no…
Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – Viewing Work through the Lens of the Great Commandment – 3 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY “There is what I do on Sunday, and then there is what I do during the week. There is my private faith life, and then there is my public work life, and they…
SERMON SUMMARY In God’s eyes, our work should be an expression of our worship. God wants us to submit every area of our lives to Christ’s lordship. As a Christian, you don’t belong to yourself any longer. Christ is your master—twice over! God created us, and then, in Christ, He redeemed us (1 Corinthians 6:20).…
SERMON SUMMARY Every week many people go to work without seeing the slightest connection between what they do all day and what they think God wants done in the world. In order to become extraordinary followers of Christ, we must bring every dimension of our lives under his Lordship. Our home life, our church life,…
SERMON SUMMARY For the last three weeks our worldview questions have dealt with some of the basic foundations of knowledge. We’ve talked about the trustworthiness of the Bible and about how science and faith relate to each other. Today we’ll seek to gain a biblical answer to the question: What are people? King David was…
SERMON SUMMARY Three weeks ago Pastor Lanier kicked off a new, four-part series called “Questions & Answers”. We’re shining a light on this important subject of “worldview”. In our first installment, Lanier helped us answer that foundational question, “How can we know what’s true?” Next we considered whether science has made God obsolete. If you…