Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 40)

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – By Grace Through Faith – Part 4 of 6 – September 17, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY October 31st, just a few weeks away, marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the event that sparked a “reboot” of Christianity. The first, most foundational of those truths is “Sola Scriptura”—Scripture alone is our source of truth. The second question the Reformers addressed was, “What does God reveal in his Word…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Solus Christus — Christ Alone, Our Only Mediator – Part 3 of 6 – September 10, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Christianity had gotten off-course, and so 500 years ago a brave Catholic monk named Martin Luther nailed to the door of a church a list of 95 abuses. In Luther’s day, church leaders competed against the Scriptures for authority. Today, due to globalization, Christianity is just one of many religious options— each of…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Sola Scriptura —Our Only Foundation – Part 2 of 6 – September 3, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Over the centuries, Christianity got off-course. What started out as a shockingly simple story of God’s “search and rescue mission” of sinful humanity became an elaborate maze of man-made rules and regulations. Five hundred years ago a reformation of Christianity began. At the time, individuals such as you and I were not allowed…

1st Timothy – Part 13 of 13 – Fight the Good Fight of Faith – August 20, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY As we approach the end of our study of Paul’s first letter to Timothy and the church at Ephesus, we will consider Paul’s final exhortations to Timothy. Paul begins by urging Timothy to persevere in his faith as he waits for Jesus’ return. Verse 12 best summarizes Paul’s final words to Timothy: “Fight…

1st Timothy – Part 11 of 13 – August 6, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Paul has previously given Pastor Timothy instructions about the treatment of widows and church leaders. In the opening verses of Chapter 6, he turns his attention to how slaves should relate to their masters. Paul’s chief concern in addressing the issue of slavery in the Roman Empire was that God be glorified and…

1st Timothy – Part 9 – Caring for the Family of God – July 16, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY In 1 Timothy 5 Paul gives Timothy guidelines for how he is to relate to various members of the church, with a special emphasis on widows. Church leaders should treat those they lead as they would members of their own family: their elders with respect, affection, and gentleness; their own generation with equality;…

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