Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 49)

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 2 of 2: The Means God Uses

Sermon Summary Modus operandi is Latin for “method of operation”. God’s M.O. is to use “means” to accomplish his will. A “means” is an instrument or a method used to accomplish something. God uses means to bring people into his family, and then he uses means to help us become fully-devoted followers. There is a…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 1 of 2: God Uses “Means”

Sermon Summary Each week on the hit TV show NCIS a mystery is solved by figuring out the criminal’s modus operandi, Latin for “method of operation”. God also has an M.O.—a way he typically operates. How does God work in his world? Answering that question will help us pull together what we’ve been learning over…

Reaching the Next Generation

Sermon Summary Today is an exciting day in the life of our church family as we celebrate the grand opening of our brand new Next Generation Discipleship Center! This building represents our church’s commitment to share God’s love with the next generation of young people. The mission of the church is clear: we are to…

The Heart of True Holiness – The Pharisee & the Tax Collector

Sermon Summary This morning, we studied two passages of Scripture to help us understand what God expects of us on the issue of holiness. In our first passage, Luke 18:9-14, Jesus relates a parable about a Pharisee and a tax collector. You would expect the Pharisee—the respected, spiritually disciplined Jew—to be more holy than the…

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