Sermon Summary Today I’m going to tell you about a mysterious marriage. Chapter 5 of Ephesians closes with these words: “A man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the…
Sermon Summary In this four-part series called “Because of the Cross” we’re taking a look at the riches that are ours because of what Christ has done for us. We’ve arrived at part three; if you missed any of the previous installments of this series please watch them for free at TCC.ORG. Jesus said that…
Sermon Summary Today, on Mother’s Day, we’ll explore some surprising insights about Mary’s relationship with Jesus, insights which have the power to transform all our relationships. Jesus spoke several times during the six hours he spent on the cross. Now, speaking while being crucified was extremely painful. So, as you can imagine, he kept his…
Sermon Summary This past Sunday, Easter Sunday, we noted that Jesus’ resurrection changed everything. Sin separated us from God, but out of His great love, He sent the Lord Jesus, to be our Passover Lamb. But some of us have trusted Christ as our Savior but not moved on to spiritual maturity. That is a…
Russell Koo shares his story of his faith in God.
Sermon Summary Notes Easter was and still is the game changer. Easter was the definitive proof that Jesus Christ was who he said he was and that he actually accomplished what he came to accomplish. (Luke 19:10) We need to be rescued because of our sin. To sin is to miss the target. It is…
Sermon Summary Notes There were times when Jesus taught hard things. On the worst day in Jesus’ life—those twenty-four hours between his Passover meal with his disciples and his death. For three years Jesus loved and taught Judas, who then betrayed and sold him out. That same night the rest of his followers abandoned him…
Sermon Summary As we prepare ourselves today to present our pledges toward our Extraordinary Challenge I am reminded of a similar challenge King David of Israel faced in his day. It occurred to David that while he was living in a luxurious palace, God’s people were still worshiping in what was essentially a big tent. So…
Sermon Summary At TCC we talk a lot about building redemptive relationships with others, fulfilling our church’s mission of transforming ordinary people into extraordinary followers of Christ. God has designed us to do life with others. We need to learn how to selflessly pour our lives into others, and for that I think that we…