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SERMON SUMMARY Everybody deals with anger—and the Bible has a lot to say about it. It’s packed with stories, teachings and comments about anger. Many people are surprised to learn that God is—by far—the angriest person in the Bible. How can this be? Not only is God the angriest person in the Bible, he’s the…
SERMON SUMMARY If you were with us last week, you will recall from our study of Psalm 3 that King David is on the run. His son Absalom is attempting a military coup. Absalom wants to be Israel’s next King, and if he has to kill his father to make it happen, so be it.…
Sermon Summary Psalm 3 was written by someone facing serious trouble: we’re talking career- changing, life-threatening trouble. If ever there was an occasion to pray, this was it. This is the first Psalm that identifies itself as having been written by King David of Israel. King David’s own son, Absalom, had initiated a military coup…
Sermon Summary We live in a world that is growing increasingly hostile towards Christianity and its truth claims. Jesus predicted just this kind of opposition (John 15:18-20). Psalm 2 gives us God’s take on how he views the refusal of the world’s nations to acknowledge and submit to his divine authority. King David, the author…
Sermon Summary From Psalm 1, we learn that humanity is divided into two distinct camps: those who are rightly related to God by faith and those who are alienated from Him as a result of their sin and unbelief. We have a choice to follow one of two paths: one leads to a life of…
With the PDF link above, download TALKINGPOINTS WALKINGPOINTS, our sermon-based guide for personal Bible Study & Community Group discussion. SERMON SUMMARY Show me the person you honor and respect and I will show you the kind of person you long to become. You can learn a lot about yourself, about your values, by observing who it…
With the PDF link above, download TALKINGPOINTS WALKINGPOINTS, our sermon-based guide for personal Bible Study & Community Group discussion. SERMON SUMMARY Last week we focused on the negative side of wealth. We learned that it’s not a sure sign of God’s favor, it can’t bring contentment, and pursuing it as a life goal can take down a…
With the PDF link above, download TALKINGPOINTS WALKINGPOINTS, our sermon-based guide for personal Bible Study & Community Group discussion. SERMON SUMMARY What does the Bible really say about how we should view wealth? Paul wrote two letters to his young minister protégé Timothy. In 1 Timothy, Paul’s concern was to combat false teaching which had infiltrated…
Sermon Summary We’ve come to the end of our whirl-wind tour of Ephesians! We’ve only been hitting the high-points—and even those we’ve done at top speed and from forty thousand feet! On week one, we began where we’ll end up today: by seeing that we have a crafty, diabolical enemy, and that “our struggle is…
Sermon Summary We’re on the home stretch of our study of the New Testament Book of Ephesians. I have to admit, this has been a bit of a frustrating experience: Ephesians is so rich, each week, rather than considering what to say, I have to decide what to leave out. Christ, and his work on…