Psalm 110 is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament. What makes it so popular?
Psalm 110 is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament. What makes it so popular?
Everybody is on a faith journey, whether they realize it or not. We all have beliefs that we can’t empirically verify. Our faith may be in God, or evolution, or extraterrestrials! But we all believe in something!
I’ve discovered that others can greatly benefit from hearing our faith stories.
We look at the church’s mission in the world. What has God called us to do? What does a healthy church look like? What does a disciple in the twenty-first century look like? This is a mission-critical time for our church family!
Today there are multiple, urgent calls for justice, for systemic change—even for revolution! As Christians, we want to know how to think biblically about these important issues. According to Micah 6:8, God requires that we “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly”. What do each of these three concepts involve, how can we apply them…
In examining an Old Testament prophecy, we learn three things about Jesus and our world and us…
Although you could teach about God from any passage in the Bible, Moses’ encounter with the Living God in a burning bush (Exodus 3:1-14) is one of the best. Most people in the world believe in the existence of a God, but they don’t know him personally
In this age of ubiquitous software and operating system updates, how can we think that the Bible is God’s final word on what we believe and how we live? Doesn’t it need an update, too?
We all know that Jesus walked on water, but what does this sign demonstrate about his infinite power, his wonderful counsel, and his costly salvation?
Today we look at one of Jesus’ most famous miracles—the only one recorded in all four gospels..
SERMON SUMMARY Exodus 3 Last week we began a brand new series about the life of Moses. We covered the story of Moses’ birth and how, through God’s provision, he became a part of Pharaoh’s family, inadvertently rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. At some point during his upbringing, he was made aware that he was in…