Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Isaiah (Page 5)

Foundations of the Faith – Is Jesus Really God? – Part 3 of 8

Sermon Summary Jesus is a controversial historical figure, not so much because of what he taught, but who he claimed to be: God in the flesh. Those who knew him best believed him, and risked life and limb to echo that claim. Is Jesus really God? Let’s consider the case for Jesus’ deity. Jesus claimed…

Foundations of the Faith – You Can Trust the Bible — It’s Unique! – Part 1 of 8

Sermon Summary Is the Bible truly a unique book when compared to other religious writings like, say, the Koran or the Hindu Scriptures? Is the Bible trustworthy? Is it historically accurate? Is it internally consistent? When compared to other works of literature, the Bible is unique. A. Unique in its continuity. The Bible was written…

The Reason for Hope – Part 1 of 4 – Christmas: A Time for Celebration

SERMON SUMMARY Christmas is a time to celebrate the entrance of God’s son into this world. The Bible contains the original Christmas Story (Luke 2:8-14), in which the angel revealed to the shepherds Christmas’ threefold purpose as a time of celebration, a time for reconciliation, and a time for salvation. Today we are going to…

Book of James – A Prologue: My Big Brother

Sermon Summary Last Sunday we completed a 13-part series on the New Testament book written by and bearing the name of Jesus’ little brother, James. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”, but James thoroughly disproves it. James spent more than 30 years seeing perfection—watching Jesus “up close and personal”—and yet he was a…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 1 of 2: God Uses “Means”

Sermon Summary Each week on the hit TV show NCIS a mystery is solved by figuring out the criminal’s modus operandi, Latin for “method of operation”. God also has an M.O.—a way he typically operates. How does God work in his world? Answering that question will help us pull together what we’ve been learning over…

Behold & Be Dazzled: Our God Needs to Gain Weight!

Sermon Summary Spirituality is flourishing in 21st century America. One Raleigh resident said that raising chickens “is a spiritual endeavor, a powerful daily devotional that has brought me to my knees.” A famous scientist calls thinking about atheistic evolution “a spiritual endeavor, a powerful daily devotional that brings her to her knees”, adding “Science is,…

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