Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"False Teaching" Tagged Sermons

The Gospel of Mark: Generosity of Spirit – 7.21.24

The disciples encounter someone who is attempting to cast out a demonic spirit in Jesus’ name. They try to stop him because he didn’t belong to their little group. Jesus took this opportunity to teach three lessons: 1. We should have a more accepting ecumenical spirit towards other believers. 2. No sin should be so cherished that it keeps us from God. 3. We should avoid actions that could cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble in their faith.

Gospel of Mark: Learning to See – 6.16.24

In this passage Jesus continues to help his disciples see things clearly. Like the disciples, we are bombarded by false teaching which hinders us from embracing Christ as our Savior or following him as Lord. In this section Jesus confronts false teaching, criticizes the hard hearts and spiritual blindness of his disciples, and illustrates it all through a blind man!

1st Timothy – Part 6 – Shipwrecked or Smooth Sailing – How Elders Protect Us – June 25, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY For many people, a vacation aboard a sailboat, tucked away in some quiet cove, is a dream come true. But cruises don’t always have storybook endings. Shipwreck always is a possibility. Likewise, according to 1 Timothy 1:19, if we’re not careful, our faith can become “shipwrecked”. We all know someone who used to…

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