When we think about the topic of generosity, we usually think about money. But generosity can be demonstrated across many dimensions of life. In this series taken entirely from the book of Luke, we will look at what it means to be radically generous, as Jesus was.
When we think about the topic of generosity, we usually think about money. But generosity can be demonstrated across many dimensions of life. In this series taken entirely from the book of Luke, we will look at what it means to be radically generous, as Jesus was.
When we think about the topic of generosity, we usually think about money. But generosity can be demonstrated across many dimensions of life. In this series taken entirely from the book of Luke, we will look at what it means to be radically generous, as Jesus was.
In this series, we have looked at various biblical principles that will help us accomplish God’s purposes for parenting. Now it’s time to put some shoe leather on what we’ve learned. We will create an age-appropriate parenting plan for your children that flows out of all the principles we have discussed.
To parents, few things are more important than passing along a “sticky faith” to their children. This type of faith has staying power and is strong enough to be passed down through the generations. In this message, we talk about a style of parenting that is highly relational through which parents can share a “sticky faith”.
What is society’s goal for parenting? What is God’s goal? In this message, we contrast the two goals as well as talk about three principles that enable us to parent intentionally and Biblically.
What is God’s design to grow His people in godliness? What does healthy discipleship look like? Discipleship God’s way is grounded in God’s Word, taught and modeled by more mature believers in the context of relationships. This discipleship produces a life that desires to honor God above all else.
The book of Philemon is essentially a postcard written by Paul to a man named Philemon. It is the shortest and most intimate of his letters. This masterpiece of diplomacy and tact deals with a festering sore in the Roman Empire–human slavery. If you have ever found yourself interceding on behalf of another person, the book of Philemon is a must read!
TALKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. Fill out your contact information in our Connect Card to receive Talking Points Walking Points each Friday and other important church news throughout the…
We live in an impatient culture. Even though our lack of patience brings us lots of pain, we don’t know how to escape it. Jesus’ biological brother James wants to help us restore calm in our lives. Through his letter in the New Testament, he’ll teach us (1) what patience is, (2) why it’s so crucial, and (3) how to develop it!