Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 29)

Oikonomics – Part 1: Generosity as a Lifestyle

1 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY The Greek word, οἰκονομία, means “to manage resources owned by another”, and so I’ve entitled this series “Oikonomics 101”. Truth is, all that we have belongs to God. During the next several weeks we are going to learn how to properly manage those God-given resources. Today we are going to…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 2 of 2

2 of 2 SERMON SUMMARY Last week Pastor Doug began a two-part series called “Kingdoms in Conflict”. Ever since sin entered the world, Satan has been the ruler of the cosmos. There are only two kingdoms, with vastly different values and agendas—and there’s no neutrality. Every person on earth has allegiance to one kingdom or…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 1 of 2: Cosmos Chaos

SERMON SUMMARY We recently concluded a study of 1st Peter which is an important book for the church today because in it Peter warns Christians not to be surprised by cultural pushback. Biblically informed Christians shouldn’t be surprised by this, because the Bible reveals that there is an invisible spiritual world that is just as…

The Tragic Truth of Abortion in America

APPLICATION / CHALLENGE Help create a culture of love and life! Speak up for the unborn! Go to Love Life for complete information on all these opportunities: This Wednesday (October 16) pray and fast for an end to abortion and the orphan crisis. This Saturday (October 19) join with other TCCers for a peaceful praise…

God Space – Workshop

TEACHING SUMMARY Purchase the God Space book here. View the workshop slides here. TAKE ONE STEP Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large, that you will put into practice this week. (James 1:22: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”)

God Space

SERMON SUMMARY How we see and react to the people in our world who do not behave and believe like we do could be the truest indicator of how closely we are following the Jesus of the Bible. The following questions are intended to help you reflect on what it actually looks like to be…

1 Peter – Reflections on 1 Peter

1 Peter – Reflections on 1 Peter – 18 of 18 SERMON SUMMARY Peter’s personality—his zeal, courage, humility, tenderness, forthrightness, and yes, even his impetuousness—is revealed in the letter we call “First Peter”. Let’s begin with five observations:  [1] This sounds obvious, but Peter wrote the letter. Peter, James and John formed the inner circle…

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