SERMON SUMMARY We are in the middle of a four-part sermon series on how to experience financial freedom, and today we are going to look at the third principle: learning to spend money wisely. Proverbs 21:20 says, “The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.” Financial freedom doesn’t require great wealth,…
SERMON SUMMARY Because God gives generously, we should give generously (1 Timothy 6:17-19). God wants us to be generous. And when we are, God seems to multiply our resources, enabling us to give even more. This principle of increase is found throughout the Scriptures (Luke 6:38, Proverbs 3:9-10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11). Giving is a supernatural…
SERMON SUMMARY Today we are beginning a new series of messages entitled “Four Steps to Financial Freedom.” Knowing the truth about money is the key to experiencing financial freedom, and perhaps the most foundational truth God reveals to us is the fact that God is the ultimate owner of all that we possess (Haggai 2:8).…
SERMON SUMMARY In April 2003, while hiking alone in a remote Utah a slot canyon, Aron Ralston’s right arm became pinned when an 800 pound boulder became dislodged. Unfortunately, he had failed to let anyone know his plans. Ralston spent five days trying to free his arm, without success. Finally, not expecting to survive another…
SERMON SUMMARY Sermon Summary We are in a series of messages where we are looking at some of the hard sayings of Jesus. Today, we are going to look at a hard saying about marriage and divorce. As we do so, we must emphasize two Scriptural truths regarding marriage and divorce. The first is God’s…
SERMON SUMMARY As we continue our series on the Hard Sayings of Jesus, we come across a saying so hard that it caused many of Jesus’ followers to walk away. The passage is John 6:53-55, 66 in which Jesus speaks of his followers “eating the flesh of the Son of Man and drinking his blood.”…
SERMON SUMMARY We are in a series of messages where we are examining the hard sayings of Jesus. Some of Jesus’ sayings are hard to understand, some are hard to hear, but some are just hard to do. Today’s saying falls into that category. In Matthew 6:19, Jesus commands: “Do not store up for yourselves…
SERMON SUMMARY We are in a series of messages where we are studying some of the hard sayings of Jesus. And it doesn’t get any easier this week, as we look at Matthew 5:38-42. Jesus begins by saying, “You have heard that it was said,” and then he quotes an Old Testament law from the…
SERMON SUMMARY This week’s “sermon” was a panel discussion with four of our TCC staff who lead next generation ministries, from our youngest children to students to young adults. Check out the pdf below to see the questions that Pastor Doug has challenged us to consider as we “grow younger” at TCC to reach the…
SERMON SUMMARY In Luke chapter 14:25, we read that large crowds were following Jesus. Now you might think that was a good thing, but Jesus wasn’t very impressed. He knew that at best, their motives were mixed. Because Jesus was interested in quality, not quantity, he really wanted to thin out the crowds. In Luke…