Sermon Summary First Timothy 3:15-16 introduces a hymn which is older than the New Testament! Believers began singing shortly after Jesus rose from the dead and it quickly spread throughout the churches as a declaration of their faith in the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. But before Paul quoted the lyrics, he tells us what…
Sermon Summary Pastor Doug explained the importance of understanding that the Christian faith is rooted in the facts of history—particularly today, as we celebrate Easter, the basis for our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Of the four major world religions, Christianity is unique in its claims that its founder is still alive, having been…
Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug presented his second message in a two-week miniseries on prayer. He challenged us to give prayer a prominent place in our lives. Although many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life, it should be as natural to us as breathing. From Scripture, we can glean…
Sermon Summary What is the purpose of prayer in the Christian walk? By observing how Jesus prayed, we discover that there are at least four facets of prayer: 1. Adoration, 2. Confession, 3: Thanksgiving, and 4. Supplication. You can remember these facets by memorizing the acrostic ACTS. Adoration: We worship God for his attributes, such…
Sermon Summary You can feel left out at any age—it can happen in grade school when they’re picking teams for kickball. It can happen in high school, when you’re not invited to a cool kid’s party. It can happen in college when a girl you like doesn’t reciprocate. It can happen as a parent or…
Sermon Summary The Bible teaches that there are three essential qualities that should be cultivated in order to become a better friend: faithfulness, candidness, and encouragement. Be Faithful: A biblical friend is a person who—no matter how bad things get—will be there for you (Proverbs 18:24). When crisis strikes, he’s right by your side. Lots…
Sermon Summary The Bible has a lot to say about being single. Marriage, as we know it, is a temporal institution that will not endure in eternity (Mark 12:24-27). If there is no marriage in Heaven, then you don’t have to worry about singleness being some kind of a relational disadvantage in eternity. The loneliness…
Sermon Summary When confronted with our short-comings, all of us have said: “Well, I’m not perfect! ”. The bad news is that God requires perfection of us (Matthew 5:48). The good news is that God intends to make all of his children perfect (Romans 8:28-30; James 1:2-4). If we will cooperate with God’s process— growing…
Sermon Summary Jesus promised that in this life, we all will have trouble (John 16:33). Your trouble may be an addiction—to alcohol, drugs, pornography, shopping. It may be depression— loss or disappointment has left you in a dark and hopeless place. It could be anger— at your spouse, child, God, or even yourself. Marriage is…
Sermon Summary The fourth and final vow we must make to our spouses is “The Vow of Purity”, which says: “I commit to loving you with the purity of Jesus Christ.” But how can we gain and maintain the personal purity we need to become the kind of lovers God desires? It begins by establishing…