Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ
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The Christmas Child: What Does He Want From You?

SERMON SUMMARY Colossians 1:18 Many of us grew up in families which brought out nativity scenes at Christmastime. They feature angels, shepherds, wisemen, animals, Mary, Joseph, and, of course, the baby Jesus. We always view the nativity scene from ground level, from our point-of-view. Instead, during this series we’ve been asking how this scene looks…

The Christmas Child: Who is He?

Colossians 1:15-20 SERMON SUMMARY During the Christmas season, it used to be common to find nativity manger scenes on public property. But that has become quite controversial today, sometimes bringing lawsuits. To be honest there has always been controversy surrounding this baby. Who was that baby in the manger? Some would say he is a…

The Christmas Child: Why Did He Come?

Colossians 1:1-14 SERMON SUMMARY Christmas is about the baby that changed the world. His story could be viewed through Mary’s eyes, through Joseph’s eyes, through the wise men’s or the shepherds’ eyes. Because you all know the basic story, instead, throughout December we will look at heaven’s perspective on Christmas. The New Testament book of…

Oikonomics – Part 4: To Tithe or Not to Tithe

4 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY What is God’s plan for supporting the local church? Is tithing the God ordained method of funding the ministry of the local church, or is there another standard we are to use? A “tithe” simply means ten percent. Those who endorse tithing teach that we are to give ten percent…

Oikonomics – Part 1: Generosity as a Lifestyle

1 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY The Greek word, οἰκονομία, means “to manage resources owned by another”, and so I’ve entitled this series “Oikonomics 101”. Truth is, all that we have belongs to God. During the next several weeks we are going to learn how to properly manage those God-given resources. Today we are going to…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 2 of 2

2 of 2 SERMON SUMMARY Last week Pastor Doug began a two-part series called “Kingdoms in Conflict”. Ever since sin entered the world, Satan has been the ruler of the cosmos. There are only two kingdoms, with vastly different values and agendas—and there’s no neutrality. Every person on earth has allegiance to one kingdom or…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 1 of 2: Cosmos Chaos

SERMON SUMMARY We recently concluded a study of 1st Peter which is an important book for the church today because in it Peter warns Christians not to be surprised by cultural pushback. Biblically informed Christians shouldn’t be surprised by this, because the Bible reveals that there is an invisible spiritual world that is just as…

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