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Sermon Summary Today we arrive at the mid-point of the Book of Ephesians, major turning point in its content. We’ve been talking about how Satan’s rebellion eclipsed God’s light in this world. It brought spiritual death to humanity, and the first three chapters explained what God did to solve this problem. That solution involved conquering…
Sermon Summary One evening while I was a seminary student, as I was driving home I saw this guy holding a gas can, and trying to wave down cars. I pulled over and rolled down my window. He asked for gas money, but I didn’t want to just give him money, so I told him…
Sermon Summary Last week we begin a six-part series on the New Testament Book of Ephesians—a book that begins with a glorious list of God’s blessings and a peek at his glorious attributes. But Ephesians also warns us about a real character named Satan. He rebelled against the Lord of Glory, and cast this world…
Sermon Summary An eclipse occurs when the light of one object is blocked by another object—such as the moon passes directly between Earth and the Sun, blocking out its light. Throughout history people have thought of solar eclipses as bad omens, as signs of impending destruction. Bad things going on in the heavenlies—and casting a…
Sermon Summary In our eight-part series “Getting There,” we have stated that the goal of the Christian life is to become more like Jesus Christ in his character and values. To do so, we must imitate his lifestyle, incorporating the spiritual disciplines that he practiced and modeled for his disciples. Today, let’s look at how…
Sermon Summary Sermon Summary In our journey to become more like Christ, real transformation occurs as we allow God’s life to flow through us as we practice those spiritual disciplines which Jesus taught and modeled. One of these disciplines is Biblical fellowship: a deep relational connecting with other believers that intentionally encourages us to love…
Sermon Summary As Christians, our goal in life is to become more and more like Jesus Christ. One of the disciplines we must cultivate along the way is the habit of giving; in particular, we must focus on how God would have us handle the financial resources to which he has entrusted us. God doesn’t…
Sermon Summary As Christ-followers, our destination is to become more like Jesus Christ. We really can become more like our savior as we learn to practice the spiritual disciplines or habits that Jesus himself practiced, and which he taught to his disciples. One of these spiritual disciplines is the habit of service. When it comes…
Sermon Summary Spending time in prayer is a spiritual discipline that is instrumental to the Christian’s journey to become more like Christ. Prayer is vital to our spiritual health and instrumental to life change. However, if we are honest, many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life. It is something…
Sermon Summary 2 Peter 1:1-11 1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing…