Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Matthew (Page 14)

Danger: Life Ahead. Navigate Wisely – Gossip – The Respectable Sin (Proverbs Series)

Sermon Summary Rumors and gossip circulate in the workplace, the neighborhood, organizations, and even at church. Gossip has become such a normal part of our social interaction that oftentimes we aren’t even aware that we are engaging in it. When we share information that was meant to be kept confidential, we are in the wrong.…

Danger: Life Ahead. Navigate Wisely – The Key to Success in 2016 (Proverbs Series)

Sermon Summary The key to success in life is simple, though profound. It can be stated in three propositions: (1) “There is a God.”, (2) “You are not Him.”, and, (3) “You are to revere, worship and obey the God who is.” The book of Proverbs was written to give us the wisdom and discipline…

Book of James – A Prologue: My Big Brother

Sermon Summary Last Sunday we completed a 13-part series on the New Testament book written by and bearing the name of Jesus’ little brother, James. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”, but James thoroughly disproves it. James spent more than 30 years seeing perfection—watching Jesus “up close and personal”—and yet he was a…

Reaching the Next Generation

Sermon Summary Today is an exciting day in the life of our church family as we celebrate the grand opening of our brand new Next Generation Discipleship Center! This building represents our church’s commitment to share God’s love with the next generation of young people. The mission of the church is clear: we are to…

Life In God’s Family – Part 3 of 4: Circles of Help

Sermon Summary When faced with obstacles in our growth in Christlikeness, God has given us five “circles of help” to enable us to grow in godliness. Circle #1: We are to discipline ourselves for godliness (1 Timothy 4:7). Here at TCC, we continually urge you to discipline yourselves for godliness. Our membership application makes it…

The Purpose & Practice of Prayer – Practice of Prayer

Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug presented his second message in a two-week miniseries on prayer. He challenged us to give prayer a prominent place in our lives. Although many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life, it should be as natural to us as breathing. From Scripture, we can glean…

Transformation: Counseling In Community – Part 2 of 2

Sermon Summary When confronted with our short-comings, all of us have said: “Well, I’m not perfect! ”. The bad news is that God requires perfection of us (Matthew 5:48). The good news is that God intends to make all of his children perfect (Romans 8:28-30; James 1:2-4). If we will cooperate with God’s process— growing…

Spiritual Checkup

Sermon Summary The Christian life is meant to be one of progress and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 says: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How can we know if we are making real spiritual progress, and not merely deceiving ourselves with spiritual activity? You are growing as a…

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