Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons by Dan Clement (Associate Pastor) (Page 6)

Associate Pastor

The Church Has Left the Building – Part 4 of 6 – Be Bold & Clear About the Gospel

SERMON SUMMARY We’ve been looking at Scripture’s “Great Commandments” and “Great Commission”. The Great Commandments of Scripture are that we love God and others. The Great Commission is that we share God’s love with others around the globe. Jesus linked love, outreach, and prayer (Luke 10:2). What happens next is informative: Jesus told his followers…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 6 – Part 6 of 6 – July 3, 2016

Sermon Summary We’ve come to the end of our whirl-wind tour of Ephesians! We’ve only been hitting the high-points—and even those we’ve done at top speed and from forty thousand feet! On week one, we began where we’ll end up today: by seeing that we have a crafty, diabolical enemy, and that “our struggle is…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 5 – Part 5 of 6

Sermon Summary We’re on the home stretch of our study of the New Testament Book of Ephesians. I have to admit, this has been a bit of a frustrating experience: Ephesians is so rich, each week, rather than considering what to say, I have to decide what to leave out. Christ, and his work on…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 4 – Part 4 of 6

Sermon Summary Today we arrive at the mid-point of the Book of Ephesians, major turning point in its content. We’ve been talking about how Satan’s rebellion eclipsed God’s light in this world. It brought spiritual death to humanity, and the first three chapters explained what God did to solve this problem. That solution involved conquering…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 2 – Part 2 of 6

Sermon Summary Last week we begin a six-part series on the New Testament Book of Ephesians—a book that begins with a glorious list of God’s blessings and a peek at his glorious attributes. But Ephesians also warns us about a real character named Satan. He rebelled against the Lord of Glory, and cast this world…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 1 – Part 1 of 6

Sermon Summary An eclipse occurs when the light of one object is blocked by another object—such as the moon passes directly between Earth and the Sun, blocking out its light. Throughout history people have thought of solar eclipses as bad omens, as signs of impending destruction. Bad things going on in the heavenlies—and casting a…

Book of James – A Prologue: My Big Brother

Sermon Summary Last Sunday we completed a 13-part series on the New Testament book written by and bearing the name of Jesus’ little brother, James. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”, but James thoroughly disproves it. James spent more than 30 years seeing perfection—watching Jesus “up close and personal”—and yet he was a…

Book of James: Playing God – Part 11 of 13

Sermon Summary In James 4:1-12, Jesus’ half-brother describes what happens when we adopt the world’s value system: we make enemies on two fronts. We quarrel with each other, and we quarrel with God. In James 4:13-17, James expands the implications of adopting the world’s value system, which is flawed primarily because it leaves God out…

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