Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"evil" Tagged Sermons

Sovereignty of God over All of Life: God and the Sphere of Government – 1.26.25

TaLKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. TAKE ONE STEP Each week, write down one doable concrete step of obedience, small or large, that you will put into practice…

Gospel of Mark: Learning to See – 6.16.24

In this passage Jesus continues to help his disciples see things clearly. Like the disciples, we are bombarded by false teaching which hinders us from embracing Christ as our Savior or following him as Lord. In this section Jesus confronts false teaching, criticizes the hard hearts and spiritual blindness of his disciples, and illustrates it all through a blind man!

Easter’s Call: Purity

This week we take a look at the resources to equip us with strategies to live pure lives. We’ll examine Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and see that God’s Word functions in a very practical way to help us handle life’s trials, difficulties, and temptations. We will look at the depth and complexity of evil, Satan’s evil strategies, and how we can defeat these strategies with Scripture.

The Mystery of Christmas – The Angle on Angels – Part 2 – December 17, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Many of us are familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth—about his mother’s miraculous pregnancy, about his birth in a manger, about angels announcing his arrival to some shepherds (Luke 1:30-33; 2:8-15). And, of course, many of our favorite Christmas songs mention the role of angels too. Today let’s gain a better understanding…

Foundations of the Faith – God is Absolutely in Control – Part 5 of 8

Sermon Summary We live in a painful, confusing world with way too much evil and injustice; how can we make sense of it? Believers have a hard time reconciling all the pain and evil in the world and the existence of God. Does God cause or allow these evils? What are the theological implications if…

The Reason for Hope – Part 2 of 4 – Christmas: A Time for Reconciliation

SERMON SUMMARY In 1951 an unwanted baby, conceived outside of marriage, was born to a family in Portsmouth, Virginia. The ensuing chaos destroyed the lives of the mother, her husband, and Glenda’s older half-sister. That baby was Glenda Revell1. Glenda begins her autobiography with these words: “If this were just a story about my suffering,…

Fully Devoted – Part 6 of 6: How Do I Overcome The Temptations and Evil Surrounding Me?

Sermon Summary Pastor Doug asks the question, “How do I overcome the evil surrounding me?” The answer is summed up for us nicely in the last verse of Romans 12: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” The specifics of what that looks like are found in Romans verses 14-20. Paul…

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