Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Fellowship" Tagged Sermons

Foundations of the Faith – Understanding Sin and Temptation – Part 7 of 8

Sermon Summary How do believers walk with God in a deteriorating society? Is it even possible? To answer that question, there are some foundational truths that we need to understand. First, we must understand what hinders us from walking in fellowship with God: our sin problem. Rather than seeing God’s loving and wise boundaries as…

Getting There – Through Fellowship – Part 7 of 8

Sermon Summary Sermon Summary In our journey to become more like Christ, real transformation occurs as we allow God’s life to flow through us as we practice those spiritual disciplines which Jesus taught and modeled. One of these disciplines is Biblical fellowship: a deep relational connecting with other believers that intentionally encourages us to love…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 3 of 7: Life In God’s Classroom

Sermon Summary God has always tested the faith and commitment of his people. For example, he tested Adam and Eve’s obedience to his one command. As you know, they failed miserably (Genesis 3:6). God tested Abraham when he asked him to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham passed his test (Genesis 22:12).…

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