Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Sin (Page 2)

Life In God’s Family – Part 3 of 4: Circles of Help

Sermon Summary When faced with obstacles in our growth in Christlikeness, God has given us five “circles of help” to enable us to grow in godliness. Circle #1: We are to discipline ourselves for godliness (1 Timothy 4:7). Here at TCC, we continually urge you to discipline yourselves for godliness. Our membership application makes it…

Because of the Cross – Part 1 of 2: Our Common Confession

Sermon Summary First Timothy 3:15-16 introduces a hymn which is older than the New Testament! Believers began singing shortly after Jesus rose from the dead and it quickly spread throughout the churches as a declaration of their faith in the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. But before Paul quoted the lyrics, he tells us what…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 3 of 7: Life In God’s Classroom

Sermon Summary God has always tested the faith and commitment of his people. For example, he tested Adam and Eve’s obedience to his one command. As you know, they failed miserably (Genesis 3:6). God tested Abraham when he asked him to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham passed his test (Genesis 22:12).…

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