Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Blogs (Page 6)

Our Blogs are designed to help you Connect, Engage, & Grow! Grab some coffee, your preferred device, maybe even an old school notebook & pen…and read, listen, or watch!

  • Awana News – Learn what is happening every week in Awana children’s ministry.

  • Conversations – Each week TCC leaders share encouragement, personal insight, and coaching to help keep your faith pointed in the right direction.

  • Worship Conversations From our Worship Leaders to you: Encouragement and music to bring worship into any part of your day.

Search by clicking on a category or tag in a sidebar on the right.

Cultivating Change

What goes through your mind during those moments of pain, when on the surface most still looks good and healthy……but deep down inside you know……it’s time to prune. I need to be completely honest. Change is PAINFUL. I struggle with it at every corner. As a husband when I’ve been operating under beliefs that I’ve…

Family Worship

Family Worship by Don Whitney Excerpted and Adapted by Dan Clement   Psalm 78 shows how God intends each new generation to come to believe in him: O my people, listen to my instructions.   Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable.  I will teach you…


WORSHIP – IS IT OPTIONAL?   “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.” Psalm 100:1-2 After reading this verse, does it seem like worshipping God is optional? No, it clearly commands worship. Worship isn’t an option – it’s an obligation! Worshipping God…

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