Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 41)

1st Timothy – Part 8 – What to Avoid – and What to be Absorbed In – July 9, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Sermon Summary In 1 Timothy 4:7-16, Paul encourages Timothy to be a good servant of Jesus Christ, constantly nourishing himself and his congregation on Biblical truth. Paul provides some practical instructions in a list of “dos and don’ts”—positive and negative commands to help Timothy stay on track: Negative Commands Have nothing to do…

1st Timothy – Part 7 – Biblical Beliefs or Doctrines of Demons – July 2, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Here in the United States, we are in the midst of a moral revolution. The prevailing cultural view is that truth and morality are individually and socially determined. We have unashamedly rejected God from the moral equation. Biblical morality has not only been rejected, but is openly mocked. As a result, Biblical notions…

1st Timothy – Part 6 – Shipwrecked or Smooth Sailing – How Elders Protect Us – June 25, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY For many people, a vacation aboard a sailboat, tucked away in some quiet cove, is a dream come true. But cruises don’t always have storybook endings. Shipwreck always is a possibility. Likewise, according to 1 Timothy 1:19, if we’re not careful, our faith can become “shipwrecked”. We all know someone who used to…

1st Timothy – Part 4 – Spiritual Leadership in the Church – June 11, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY First Timothy 3:1-7 reveals the qualifications required to serve as a leader in the church. Paul’s focus here is on the character qualities befitting those who aspire to church leadership. The New Testament identifies two primary leadership roles: elders and deacons. Elders are servant leaders; Deacons are leading servants. Today we will talk…

1st Timothy – Part 3 – Glorify God in Witness and Worship – June 4, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Many see in the passage we are going to study today an example of biblically-endorsed gender bias. They accuse the Apostle Paul of being a misogynist—a woman hater. It is true that some have misrepresented and misapplied the biblical teaching with respect to women, as they do in many other areas. However, the…

1st Timothy – Part 2 – Global Prayer for the Local Church – May 28, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY In 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Paul turns his attention from the problem of false teachers to guidelines for God- honoring public worship. According to Paul, we each have a role to fill in God’s household, and each role has responsibilities. Let’s look at some of them. One of our chief responsibilities as Christians is…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next – Part 2 of 2 – Get in the Game! – May 7, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible sometimes uses sports analogies to describe the Christian life (Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27). The Christian life is compared to a race—not a sprint, but a marathon where great endurance is required. God wants us Christians to get off the sidelines and into the game (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10).…

Mary, A Model of Motherhood – May 14, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY This Mother’s Day we look at several characteristics of a woman God chose to raise his only Son (Luke 1:26-38). Twice in our text, the angel Gabriel told Mary that she was highly favored by God. What was it about Mary that caught God’s attention? Scripture doesn’t give us the answer directly, but…

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